Katoto - ReactJs Video Chat
Katoto is a messaging and video calling ReactJs app using React version 17.0.2, Google Firebase, Webrtc, and Onesignal package, for authentication, video calling, messaging, and push notification.
Features an email and password authentication, local and remote realtime video and audio streaming, realtime messaging, user to user push messages, and push notifications. With an invite, add and delete contacts, edit and delete conversations, edit profile photo and profile data and view contact's profile.
Works on Firefox browsers only, tested on Windows, OSX and mobile. Available for private messaging and private video call at the moment. Chat image uplaod is currently not an available feature due to limited storage capacity. Group messaging and group video call will be added in the future updates.
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Talatab - ReactJs Blog
Talatab is a responsive ReactJs blog using React version 17.0.2, Google Firebase Firestore and Storage version 9 modular for authentication and file storage, and React-Quill for the text editor. The blog is designed using React-Bootstrap.
Features an email and password authentication, Google athentication and email verification, with the option to create and delete blog post and categories, embed images and video urls, edit and delete user profile, upload avatar and change password. Each post loads in an infinite scroll combined with Firebase pagination on both the home page and the user page.
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NextJs Authentication Template
Kulukuti is an authentication template using ReactJs with NextJs framework + Firebase and Supabase for database.
NextJs+Firebase is a fully functional NextJs authentication template using Google's Firebase Firestore and Storage, with enabled Email and Password Authentication and Google Authentication with a sign in and signup feature, email verification, reset password, edit profile page, upload avatar image, and a delete account feature that removes user's account along with the user's Firestore and Storage data.
NextJs+Supabase is a fully functional NextJs authentication template using it's SQL database and storage, with enabled Email and Password Authentication and Google Authentication with a sign in and signup feature, email verification, reset password, edit profile page and upload avatar image and secured using Supabase Row Level Security policy.
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WordPress Theme: Summertide
Summertide WordPress theme is designed for blog, corporate, and personal website with a responsive mobile friendly design which offers limitless customization features for all designed elements. Having elegant, flexible design and user friendly features anyone can easily manage the template without any coding experience.
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HTML theme: Photography
A photography themed website designed project for a freelance photographer using HTML/CSS and jquery.
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Adobe Portfolio
A personal website created in Adobe Stock portfolio theme. This website is a collection of photos I have taken personally as a hobby and uploaded for sale on Adobe Stock.
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