Kisap Blink Keyboard
Kisap is a custom designed keyboard specially made for people with motor and speech limitations, designed to help people who can only use their eyes to communicate, using React Native version 0.72.6, expo-face-detector for eye blink detection and expo-speech for text to speech voice audio. With a responsive design that fits all Android devices.
Features a manual and automatic highlighter that acts as a mouse for selecting letters, numbers and functional keys on the keyboard by simply blinking both eyes. The highlighter can also move forward and backwards. Also features an eye shut timer for other navigation capability and a voice audio which has the option to choose between male or female voice.
Currently available for Android mobiles only.
Kisap is live on Google Play.
Isukat - Easy ID Photo Crop and Tile
Isukat is a React Native photo cropper photo tiling app using React Native version 0.70.6, react native-image-crop-picker and react-native-image-to-pdf for saving files into pdf format.
Features a fixed 1x1in, 2x2in, passport size and custom size ID cropper that can be saved in jpg and png file with 300 dpi resolution. Also features a letter size 8.5x11in paper for photo tiling that can also be saved in jpg format with 300dpi resolution and pdf file. Tile menu buttons includes add images from storage or gallery, duplicate or delete images, add cutting marks, zoom-in and zoom out, and save file.
Currently available for Android mobiles only.
Isukat is live on Google Play.
Ipasuri - Talking Object Detection
Ipasuri-TOD is a React Native realtime Talking Object Detection app using React Native version 0.63.4, Tensorflow which is an end-to-end open source machine learning platform and Mobilenet tensorflow model for object detection.
Features a front and rear camera detection, flashlight mode, auto focus mode and text to speech which has the option to choose between male or female voice.
Currently available for Android mobiles only. Tested and working on Android 8 and higher. Recommended version is Android 10 and higher.
Ipasuri-TOD is live on Google Play.
Katoto - React Native Video Chat App
Katoto is a video chat React Native app using React Native version 0.63.4, react-native-firebase, react-native-webrtc, and react-native-onesignal package, for authentication, messaging, video calling, and push notification.
Features an email and password authentication, local and remote realtime video and audio streaming, realtime messaging, user to user push messages, and push notifications. With an invite, add and delete contacts, edit and delete conversations, edit profile photo and profile data and view contact's profile.
Available for private messaging and private video call at the moment. Chat image uplaod is currently not an available feature due to limited storage capacity. Group messaging and group video call will be added in the future updates.
React Native Firebase Authentication Template
The mobile app version of the Kulukuti website. A fully functional React Native authentication template using React Native version 0.63.4 and react-native-firebase. With enabled Email and Password Auth and Google Auth provider for the Sign-up and Sign-in functionality. Includes a dashboard and an edit profile page.
App is currently available for Android only.